El nuevo museo sobre los glaciares se llama "Glaciarium".Esta situado en el parque nacional de los glaciares (El Calafate), lugar en el que se encuentran los principales glaciares de la patagonia y que anualmente visitan mas de 300.000 turistas.
El objetivo del centro es dar a conocer de cerca el fenomeno de los glaciares y transmitir el efecto que tiene en ellos el cambio climatico.
Mediante diferentes recursos multimedia la exposicion nos muestra el proceso de formacion y evolucion de los glaciares a lo largo de su historia, asi como 40 esqueletos y otras tantas reconstrucciones de los animales que habitaban la zona hace millones de años.
Ademas cuenta con una sala dedicada al problema del cambio climatico; en la que se intenta concienciar al visitante de los efectos de este problema. Y otra sala dedicada a la historia de Perito Francisco Moreno, primer explorador de la Patagonia.
Tras finalizar la visita al centro y con toda la informacion recopilada es casi de obligado cumplimiento la visita a los glaciares; eso si con un guia especializado y un buen equipo que se pueden encontrar facilmente en cualquiera de los hoteleles de El Calafate.
¿Habeis estado alguna vez alli? ¿Lo recomendariais?
The new museum about the glaciers is called Glaciarium. It is located in Glacier National Park (El Calafate), where we find the main glaciers of Patagonia and annually more than 300,000 tourists visit it.
The center's aim is to learn about the phenomenon of glaciers and transmit the effect of climate change on them.
Through different multimedia sources the exposure shows the process of formation and evolution of glaciers along its history, as well as 40 skeletons and many other reconstructions of animals that inhabited the area millions of years ago.
It also has a room devoted to the problem of climate change, in which visitors try to raise awareness of the effects of this problem. And another room dedicated to the history of Perito Francisco Moreno, the first explorer of Patagonia.
After completing the site visit and with all the information gathered is almost mandatory visiting the glaciers, with a specialized guide and good equipment that can be found easily in any hoteleles of El Calafate.
The center's aim is to learn about the phenomenon of glaciers and transmit the effect of climate change on them.
Through different multimedia sources the exposure shows the process of formation and evolution of glaciers along its history, as well as 40 skeletons and many other reconstructions of animals that inhabited the area millions of years ago.
It also has a room devoted to the problem of climate change, in which visitors try to raise awareness of the effects of this problem. And another room dedicated to the history of Perito Francisco Moreno, the first explorer of Patagonia.
After completing the site visit and with all the information gathered is almost mandatory visiting the glaciers, with a specialized guide and good equipment that can be found easily in any hoteleles of El Calafate.
Have you ever been there? Would you recommend it?
No he estado pero me lo apunto!
ResponderEliminarNo he estado tampoco, ojala pudiera visitar todos los lugareis que posteaiss...necesito tiempo!!!
sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but thank you for following me!! looks like an amazing place, would love to visit :)
Esta excursión es un paseo obligado si uno está en El Calafate!
ResponderEliminarJosefina A. Calafate Argentina